Midnight Madness Blog

- 2008
- 2007

Filtered by Topic: Humour

Love and Madness
Ah, young love. We thought this might be apropriate since tonight we present a lighthearted romantic comedy by the name of Deadgirl.


Reply to: xxxxxxxxxxDate: 2008-09-05, 3:18AM Hello - not sure if you will read this, but I still feel bad about the senario where you got your seat swiped from you from someone behind me being overly rude about the situation. I was distracted at the time, other wise would have said you were with me thus you getting your seat. I am happy that eventually you got it...


I think I am with the majority of the audience in attendance at JCVD last night in saying that I was shocked. Not in your normal Midnight Madness sense, of course, where you may be shocked at the sheer amount of corn syrup being sprayed around or the number of fingers severed from someone's hand before you have to look away, but by an actual emotional performance. An emotional  performance by Jean-Claude Van Damme, no less. What we saw last night was probably one of the...


Training like a MADMAN!!!
Seeing 45-50 films in 10 days is harder than it sounds. Over the years I’ve come up with multiple training regimes to figure out how best to get up in time for my first 9:00 am screening and still be awake for the 2:00 am Midnight Madness Q&A. So here, for your reading pleasure are the results of my rigorous training tests: Training scheme #1: practice sitting around for weeks before the festival. For the weeks leading up to the festival I just sat around watching movies as much as I could...


We Love You Too, Suzie.
For the past couple days, we've been asking for your photos and videos from your own Midnight Madness experiences. We've received some good stuff, but so far only one that's made us stand up and say 'This needs to be seen by as many people as possible'. This comes courtesy of our friend Sue Maynard.  She informs us that both zombies were nothing but courteous, escorting her not only to the bus stop, but onto the bus and walking her the whole way home.  Tragically, upon arrival at her residence, they burst...
