Midnight Madness Blog

- 2008
- 2007

Filtered by Topic: Free Speech

Are they extraterrestrials? I don't know, you tell me! The Circuit is Space's pop culture review show featuring entertainment news from the furthest reaches of the galaxy. Check out this week's show as Ajay, Natasha, Teddy, and Paul bring you updates from Midnight Madness and reviews of those and other flicks at this year's Festival. These guys can always be counted on to give the kinds of reviews we care about, instead of being mired in what Jennifer Aniston's wearing today like some of those other shows...Check it out! The...


There are many different qualities that can constitute what makes up a good film, great acting, great cinematography, an excellent movie score. When all of these components all work in tandem - often times more than not results in a great film. A film in my opinion should also inspire conversation once the credits roll. Deadgirl is one such film. As someone who has watched scores of horror films Deadgirl made me squirm in my seat, made me uncomfortable and somehow made me laugh at the same time. The backbone of this...


In The Rush Line For JCVD
I showed up at Ryerson theater tonight just before ten p.m and decided to make like Johnny Cash and walk the line. Find out what compelled people (the line was 80 people long when I started talking to people) to wait in the Rush line for the hopes of seeing JCVD       The Rush line up for JCVD 10 o'clock pm Thursday Sept 4th 2008Here is why Rudy one of the first in the Rush line waited to see JCVDI thought this would be a really interesting comedy and I would like to...
