Breakfast with TIFF and me

Lining up...
Yesterday I had the startling revelation that the festival begins tomorrow (today).  After years of being completely submerged in the pre-festival mania (that literally begins the day the festival ends and goes all the way to beginning of the next festival) somehow this year, it kinda just snuck up on me.Feeling a little out of the loop, I went to the Sutton place to pick up my pass but alas due to the lateness of my registration (for reasons see above) it wasn't ready. Passing the manulife Centre on the way home I was reminded of one of my favourite...


Why breakfast?
It is in the early hours of the morning, over a venti cup of coffee  or (quite honestly) the hair of the dog, that I spend my time  reflecting on the day before.  The films I loved, the ones I didn't,  how much I love the enthusiasm of the midnight madness crowd...  though last year the audience at Roy Thompson Hall's screening of  Eastern Promises almost gave them a run for their money.  If you  haven't seen the movie this could be considered a spoiler, but then  even those of you who haven't, have probably still heard of this scene.Viggo...
