Midnight Madness Blog

- 2008
- 2007

Love and Madness

Ah, young love. We thought this might be apropriate since tonight we present a lighthearted romantic comedy by the name of Deadgirl.


Reply to: xxxxxxxxxx
Date: 2008-09-05, 3:18AM

Hello - not sure if you will read this, but I still feel bad about the senario where you got your seat swiped from you from someone behind me being overly rude about the situation.
I was distracted at the time, other wise would have said you were with me thus you getting your seat. I am happy that eventually you got it back and I was able to say sorry at the time for what happened, I would have liked to talk with you more.
So by some chance if you read this please feel free to contact me or I will prob be seated in the same area for the rest of MM this week, I can save you a seat :D - hope to talk with you again.
If you're reading this, less-famous 'JCVD' - good luck!